Saturday 15 May 2010

'5 Things I love' Sunday.

This is totally stolen from Elsie but I always love seeing hers so it is what it is.

1. Photography by Mariah Jelena Kordzadze.
Her work is so dark, yet so vibrant. She is like cocaine to me.

2. My new Fujifilm Instax Mini. So cute and so addictive.
3. The Pretty Reckless. Who know a Gossip Girl could be so awesome? Not me.

4. My new underwear from the hottest site ever... TallulahLove

5. This necklace! I plan on buying this ASAP. I even made a post-it to remind me!

Monday 10 May 2010

So I still don't have my new camera. Gutted. What is their problem? I payed extra for a quick delivery! *mad face*
I'm so tired today. I was up all day talking to a friend when I knew I had work today. The only plus side is that I'll sleep like a sloth tonight. I'm probably as slow as one right now. I hope work isn't busy tonight. I've already messed up a lot this morning.

So, I decided I'll buying a Blackberry but I haven't decided when. I was thinking next week but we'll see. They're just so 'me'. And iPhones are so boring. Once you've played on them for an hour, it gets old. Sure, the applications are cool but I hardly have time to eat and sleep let alone prank call people like the Phone Jacker.

I have some new pictures of the kittens. We took Harry to the vet today before work and the vet said he's huge. He's only 7months and he weighs more than 4kilos. Our full-grown Persian, Alfie weighs just a kilo more!

Anyway, I got my hair redone and here it is. Not too brilliant but it'll do.

Sunday 9 May 2010

Florence And The Machine - Dog Days

So I've not been so active on the net lately because I've been trying to get my life into order. It's so hectic all of the time. I wasn't even able to go the hairdressers! Gross.
Yesterday I just spent the day focusing on me. I got my hair done, went to Starbucks, relaxed at home.

Oh, we got a dog! He's so adorable. I'm definitely a cat person though. I adore him but it's not the same kind of thing I feel for my kitties. I'll get some pictures of him up soon.

The biggest thing lately is my new piercing. I've wanted it for years but avoided it because I'm a good daughter who does not want to upset her mum. Oh well, that's down the pooper.

So, yeah. I've slowed down with my photography. I've been too busy and I'm not inspired when I'm tired all of the time.
I'll pick it up soon. My priority is getting into shape more and college.

I'll update more often, promise.